Friday, November 20, 2009

[ focus on the positive... ]

Alright here are new pictures that I've been trying to post for a few days now and I'm finally able to get around to it. The past two weeks have been so incredibly challenging with both Angie and Jenny sick with colds and Jenny has an ear infection and is teething. Needless to say I haven't gotten very much sleep lately! However on the flip side, trying to focus on the positive... I didn't get sick and have received tons of help from my family while John has been at work. That has definitely kept me going. So here are a few pictures of the happy, relaxing moments that have happened in the midst of all the craziness!

Jenny at 3 months old... 14 pounds 8 ounces!

Angie trying on her Christmas dress from Grandma!

A few days ago I came in to Angie's room (where I had laid Jenny down for a minute to switch the laundry) and found this scene. Jenny had been crying and I started to come get her when I heard her stop crying and heard Angie talking to her. Angie had cheered her up by sharing her animals, what a great big sister!

Laughing with Daddy!

My happy girls, cozy in their pajamas!

Such a wonderful sight! Especially since she hasn't been sleeping very well lately! I savored the moment!

So today I've been thinking about all these happy moments because that's definitely what gets me through those crazy days when you don't get out of the house, don't take a shower and just end up having a movie day because everyone is feeling yucky! It's the little things in life! :)

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